Kobzareva, Naina
No. 14
Country: Russia
Date of birth: 14 March, 1998
Naina Kobzareva began music lessons at the age of four. She studied at the Central Music School in Moscow. Since 2016 she has been studying at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory with professor Eduard Grach. She won prizes in several competitions including the 8th International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians (3rd prize), the Kloster Schöntal International Violin Competition (2nd prize), the 6th International Competition for violin in Astana (2nd prize). She has participated the Masterclass Musica Mundi Brussels (2014) and the “Keshet Eilon” violin and strings masterclasses (2017), and has given concerts in major venues in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Switzerland, Austria, Bulgaria, Israel, Germany and Denmark. She has played with orchestras such as the State Chamber Orchestra “Moscow Virtuosi” conducted by Saulius Sondeckis, chamber orchestra “Wiener Concert-Verein” at the Conservatory of Vienna, the Moscow Chamber Orchestra “Musica Viva” conducted by Alexander Rudin, as well as the Chamber Orchestra “Moscovia” conducted by Eduard Grach.
Competition Repertoire
Bartók: 1. rapszódia // Rhapsody No. 1, BB 94a
J. S. Bach: 2. (a-moll) hegedűszonáta // Violin Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003 – 1. Grave, 2. Fuga
Bartók: Szonáta szólóhegedűre // Sonata for Solo Violin, BB 124 – 1. Tempo di ciaccona
Ysaÿe: 6. (E-dúr) hegedűszonáta // Violin Sonata No. 6 in E major, op. 27/6
Ravel: 2. hegedű-zongora szonáta // Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2
Thomas Kornél: Fun-Tasto: Reflection and Exhilaration
Brahms: D-dúr hegedűverseny // Violin Concerto in D major, op. 77