Devutskaia, Sofia
No. 4
Country: Russia
Date of birth: 23 October, 1998
Sofia Devutskaia is a graduate of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (class of professor Alexey Koshvanets, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation). Between 2014 and 2016, she studied at the Central Music School in Moscow in the class of professor Mikhail Gotsdiner. She is a laureate of Russian and international competitions, such as 7th International Competition of Young Performers “Vocation – musician” (Moscow, first prize, 2019), 3rd All-Russian Competition of Violinists named after N. Goldenberg (Saratov, first prize, 2019), 2nd International Competition of Violinists named after G. Bacevich (Poland, Lodz, fourth prize, 2019), the International Violin Competition for the 90th anniversary of E. D. Grach (Moscow, third prize, 2020), the 4th All-Russian Music Competition in the specialty “Violin” (Kazan, third prize, 2022). She has participated in masterclasses of professors Vladimir Ivanov, Alexander Vinnitsky and Maxim Fedotov, and participated in educational programs of the St. Petersburg House of Music. She plays the violin of the Russian master Timofey Tkach, and leads an active creative life as a soloist and as a member of chamber ensembles.
Competition Repertoire
Bartók: 1. rapszódia // Rhapsody No. 1, BB 94a
J. S. Bach: 1. (h-moll) hegedűpartita // Violin Partita No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002 – 3. Sarabande – Double, 4. Tempo di Borea – Double
Bartók: Szonáta szólóhegedűre // Sonata for Solo Violin, BB 124 – 1. Tempo di ciaccona
Tchaikovsky: Valse-scherzo, op. 34
Beethoven: 3. (Esz-dúr) hegedű-zongora szonáta // Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 3 in E-flat major, op. 12/3 - 1. Allegro con spirito
Thomas Kornél: Fun-Tasto: Reflection and Exhilaration
Bartók: 1. hegedűverseny // Violin Concerto No. 1, BB 48a