5 May 2024, 19.00-21.00
Solti Hall
Radio Evenings at the Liszt Academy
Concert of the 400+1 anniversary of the birth of Marc’ Antonio Cesti
Aura Musicale
Cesti: Overture and Filosofia’s monologue from the opera Orontea, Prologue
Frescobaldi: Canzona detta L’Ambitiosa
Cesti: Overture and Laurindo’s aria from the opera Argia
Stradella: Sinfonia
Cesti: Overture from the opera Il Tito
Cesti: ‘Addio, Corindo’ – aria from the opera Orontea
Cesti: ‘Intorno all'idol mio’ – scene from the opera Orontea
Cesti: Overture from the opera Genserico
Cesti: ‘Pur sei tu mio’ – aria from the opera Le nozze in sogno
Böddecker: Sonata sopra La Monica
Cesti: Overture and Allegria’s monologue from the opera Le disgrazie d’Amore, Prologue
Theodora Raftis (soprano)
Aura Musicale – on period instruments
Artistic director: Balázs Máté
Presented by
MTVA, Liszt Academy Concert Centre
HUF 1 500