Bartók World Competition

Schedule of live rounds 2-10 September

Preliminaries: 3 September 15:00 and 19:00; 4 September 15:00 and 19:00; 5 September 15:00

Admission is free. 

Although the Bartók World Competition has not yet been running for several decades, it is already one of the most prestigious competitions in the world: hundreds of entries are received for each year, and every year the audience and jury hear world-class performances - not only in the final but also in the preliminaries thanks to the video preselection round. The preliminaries will be held in the Solti Hall of the Liszt Academy  


Semi-finals: 6 September 19:00; 7 September 15:00 and 19:00

Admission is free. 

Every two years, the competition organises an instrumental round, with a composition competition in the even years. In 2022, the  task was to write a violin-piano duo, the winning pieces became compulsory pieces for the current semi-final: all competitors must perform one of them. The semi-finals will also be held in the Solti Hall of the Liszt Academy.    


Orchestral finals: 9 September, 15:00 and 19:00. Tickets are available by clicking on the selected time.

Only the best young artists will be admitted to the orchestral finals of the Violin Competition, with six young artists scheduled to compete. They will have a choice of seven concertos for the final competition in the main hall of the Liszt Academy: in addition to two Bartók concertos, the final will include a violin concerto by Mendelssohn, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven or Sibelius. Featuring the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra Conducted by János Kovács.


Gala concert: 10 September at 19:30 in the Great Hall of the Liszt Academy. Tickets are available here.

Liszt Academy is streaming all the live rounds on Youtube


Júlia Karosi & Weiner Ensemble

10 October 2024, 19.00-21.00

Solti Hall

Y Generation

Júlia Karosi & Weiner Ensemble Presented by Liszt Academy

Schönberg 150

Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21
Featuring: Júlia Karosi (vocals)
Schoenberg: Ein Stelldichein (fragment)
Schoenberg – Máté Balogh: Chamber Symphony No. 2, Op. 38

Weiner Ensemble: Máté Bán, Annamária Sziroczák-Bán (flute), Csaba Pálfi (clarinet), Réka Baksai (violin), Janka Balogh-Jámbor (cello), Imre Dani (piano)

Arnold Schönberg, one of the most influential composers, musical educators and thinkers of the 20th century, was born 150 years ago in 1874. The Weiner Ensemble, dedicated to modern and contemporary music, was founded ten years ago, in 2014, based on the instrumentation (“Pierrot ensemble”) of Schoenberg’s song cycle Pierrot lunaire. This epochal piece not only set compositional thinking in Western music on a new trajectory, it also had a liberating impact on the development of vocal music, and is often performed by actors, violinists and jazz singers such as Júlia Karosi. The Weiner Ensemble has recently played a number of new works, transcriptions and originals written especially for them. In Solti Hall, Schoenberg’s Chamber Symphony No. 2 will be performed in a contemporary transcription by Máté Balogh, who is also considered the ensemble’s “house composer”.


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  • 10% discount for 2 concerts,
  • 15% discount for 3 concerts,
  • 20% discount for 4 or more concerts.


Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 3 900

Concert series:

Y generation

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